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Is this your first time here?
Welcome to the Serco Skills Leadership Learning Centre site. To apply for the programme you have selected you will first need to set up an account. This will also give you access to the programme later on so please keep your login details safe. You will then need to set up two-factor authentication (2FA) for secure access to the rest of the site.
To register follow these easy steps (it only takes a couple of minutes):
- Click on either the "set up an account" hyperlink above or the "create a new account" box at the bottom of this page, and fill out the simple registration form with your details. Keep your login details in a safe place - you will need them again when you start your programme.
- An email will immediately be sent to your email address.
- Read your email and click on the web link it contains to confirm your registration.
Two-factor authentication (2FA)
Once you are ready to apply for a programme you will need to download a free app to your smartphone or tablet (details below) so that you can securely login. This app generates a random 6-digit code to authenticate each time you login. Click here for more details.
Android/Google users should open your Play Store app and use search term ‘2FA’. You should choose TOTP Authenticator or alternatively VIP Access by Symantec or Microsoft Authenticator
Apple (iOS) device users should open your App Store, you should again use search term ‘2FA’. You should choose TOTP Authenticator or Google Authenticator or Microsoft Authenticator
Once you have downloaded your app you can enter your login details (username and password), click the 'login' button and on next screen click on 'User Preferences' link in the text panel. On the next screen click 'Setup App' button to take you to the QR code. Complete the required fields and scan the QR code using your app. You can input the 6-digit code and now you're ready to start your application.
If you need any help with the registration process contact T: 0121 2815215